Baú, V. (2023) Communication for Development, pp.100-103 in Clarke, M. and Zhao, X. (Eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Development, EE Publishing, Camberley
Baú, V. (2023) Media Literacy and Conflict. Understanding mediated communication for the achievement of peace and development. Pp.177-197 in Servaes J. and Yushau, M.J. (Eds.) SDG18 Communication for All. The missing link between SDGs and global agendas, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Baú, V., Georgeou, N. and Kreemers, D. (2021) Media, Art and Stories. Enabling communities’ creative expression in Sydney’s West. University of New South Wales, Sydney. DOI: 10.26190/z4zq-jx31
Baú, V. (2020) Covid-19 and Conflict: communicating for peace during a global health crisis. Analysis published on Global South Development Magazine, 13th October
Baú, V. (2020) Peacebuilding and Communication, Oxford Bibliographies in Communication, ed. Patricia Moy, Oxford University Press, New York. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756841-0251
Baú, V. (2016) Citizen Engagement in Peacebuilding. A communication for development approach to rebuilding peace from the bottom up. Progress in Development Studies, Vol.16, No.4, pp.348-360. DOI: 10.1177/1464993416663052
Baú, V. (2016) Waving the Flag for Development Communication. Why there is still hope for communication research, International Communication Gazette (special issue: The Unbearable Lightness of Communication Research), Vol.78, No.7, pp.711-715. DOI: 10.1177/1748048516655733
Baú, V. (2015) Communication for Development in Peacebuilding. Directions on research and evaluation for an emerging field. Critical Arts, Vol.29, No.7, pp.801-818. DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2015.1151115